Sgt. Jordan has just arrived at the unit, barely holding her pee on the bus – her bladder is full to the brim after coffee, orange juice and water! She runs to the toilet when her commander calls her to his office. Attention! Sgt. Jordan froze! The major sees the despair on her face and deliberately doesn`t cancel the command. Sits and waits. She suffers, she cant move and her bladder is about to burst. She let out a low whimper. Her eyes fill with tears. Her face turns red. The pain is unbearable, but she can`t move. Time passes, and the sadistic major just sits and watches her sufferings. Like a truly disciplined soldier, Sgt. Jordan holds back the tsunami rising beneath her skirt. She is about to lose consciousness. No, nothing can stop the enormous pressure of her bladder anymore! Uncontrollable urine is gushing like a geyser in her panties, running down her pantyhose, soaking her shoes, filling them. As if her bladder is a huge tank pouring its contents. The piss runs down her legs , overflows and forms a huge puddle of pee! The pain and despair are replaced by the ****** and shame that she peed herself in front of her evil commander! It is useless to resist – all is lost!